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Constituted E' a called Association "European Association PoliceOperator ", Onlus.

The Association has legal situs in Ficarazzi (acicastello) Via S. Gregorio 10

Secondary centers could however be instituted.



The Association is non-political, asindacale and it does not have fine of lucro.

The Association has the guardian scope of all operating of Police, defending some the professional character, the moral, social values and economic, promuovendo their continuous technical and operating renewal creating also groups of voluntary service, civil protection, sanitary aid, vigilance acclimatizes them, antifire boschivo and a body of ittica vigilance.

The Association, that she is democratic and independent is proposed to stimulate in the own supporters the associative spirit, the exchange of ideas, experiences and cultural contributions, to favor between they the comparison and to promote encounter and contacts with political, administrative, trade-union and social the organizations for the realization and the affirmation of a model of unitary principles between the operating ones of Police.

The Association proposes itself, moreover to realize, in the limits concurs from the law initiatives with social character understandings to achieve the improvement of the psicofisico state and of the quality of life of it associates to you, also through the promotion of sport activity and cooperativistiche shapes.

The Association, inspiring itself to criteria of concrete solidarity, promotes participations of support to the families of operating defunct for service reasons devolving, for the more immediate requirements, a compatible economic contribution with the responsibility of the same Association let alone participations of legal attendance in the cases of controversies with the Administrations of belongings.

The Association also proposes itself of editare and publishing social reviews to collect publicity for the maintenance of the same ones.



The Association is constituted to indeterminato time.



The associates distinguish themselves in founders, ordinaries and supporters.

The taken part ones to the corporate charter of the Association are founding associates.

They are ordinary associates and supporters all those people whose question of admission is accepted from the Board of directors.

The ordinary associates distinguish themselves in "operating", "relatives", and "he combines to you".

They are "operating" ordinary associates: all those who carry out functions of agent or official of Judiciary police or Public safety and, more just, the pertaining to the Police of State, the arm of the Police officers, the Financial police, the Penitenziaria Police, the Forest Body, the Harbor Master's Office, the Municipal Police, the Sworne Guards; all those people in possession of the ticket of Highway patrol rilasciate from the Public Administration competent; the investigators

private, National Fire Department and the all those who carries out service of military police with not inferior degree to that one of petty officer first class.

The spouses and the sons of operating the founding and ordinary Associates are "familiar" ordinary associates.

They are ordinary associates "combines" former the operating ones to you of police, understandings in the terms of which to previous 5° the codicil.

The persons are associates supporters who, not having criminal record, simpatizzano for the operating ones of police.

The adhesion to the Association obligates the associate to the payment of the contribution anniversary in the established measure, of year in year, from the board of directors.

"familiar" the ordinary associates and the associates supporters carry out the payment of one quota equal anniversary respective to the half and the double quantity of that one R-come.sopra established.

The registration carried out after the sixth month of the solar year involves the payment of a quota proporziona them to the residual months of the same year.

To it associates will be delivered a ticket to you of acknowledgment with photography and to I renew anniversary.

The quality of associate, that he is intransmissible, is acquired with the registration and it gets lost with the dimissioni, for dead women or serious reasons, like the expulsion, that it is adopted with provision emanated from the Chief executive officer on deliberation of the same Council.



The patrimony of the Association is constituted from the assets furnish and pieces of real estate that to whichever title it become of property of the Association.

The entrances are constituted:

to) - from the associative quotas;

b)-dagli active interests;

c)-dalle sums embedded for actions of liberalità and whichever other title it. 



The fiscal year is closed to 31 December of every year.



Organs of the Association are:

1) - the Assembly;

2) - the Board of directors;

3) - the Chief executive officer;

4) - The College of the Revisers of Conti.



The Assembly is constituted from all associates to it straight to you having of ballot and must at least once be convened from the Chief executive officer the year for the approval of the budget. The Assembly can, moreover, be convened when the same President of ravvisi the necessity and the opportunity or when is made some demanded motivated from at least a third party of associates to you.

The convocazioni must happen by means of personal warning, to send itself, to means mail, at least ten days before the fixed date for the assembly, and containing the order of the day.

The Assembly supplies to the nomination of just the President and a Secretary.

It associates can is made to you to represent at the bottom from other associates by means of delegation written also to the convocazione warning.

The Assembly deliberates:

on the consuntivo budget and estimate;

on the addresses and directives it generates them of the Association;

on the nominations;

on the modifications of the corporate charter and the Charter;

on all how much other to remitted it for law or Charter.

The assemblies valid are constituted and deliberate with the majorities previewed from article 21 of the Civil code.



The Association is trained from a Board of directors composed of a minimum of three name members to a maximum of seven from the Assembly.

The members last in load five years and are rieleggibili.

The board of directors is presided from the President which it supplies to convene it every qualvolta thinks it necessary. It deliberates to absolute majority of its members. In case of parity of ballots, the ballot of the President prevails.

The Board of directors has the following tasks:

deliberation to absolute majority on the registration of associates to you, that is on the expulsion of those of they that they have become dishonourable to belong to the Association or that they have held a behavior less than in compliance with the normal correctness in the comparisons of the Association or with the others associates to you;

previewed the consuntivo budget and estimate and the relation to subject the Assembly;

it establishes the amount of the annual contributions that the associates will have to correspond to the Association;

it decides on necessary expenses to the operation and the organization of the Association, ivi comprised the reimbursements of eventual expenses supported for corporate names from members of the Association;

it determines the quota that it will have to be devolven to the Regional and Foreign Sections;

it confers to the President all the powers and the faculties that thinks opportune and necessary beyond to those already to the same one attributed from the present charter;

deliberation on the acceptance of bequests and donation from any part comes.



The Chief executive officer is the legal representative of the Association, is elect from the Assembly between founding associates, hard in he loads five years and he is rieleggibile.

The President is preplace:

to the convocazione of the Assembly and the Board of directors, also in various place from the legal situs;

to the emanation of the disciplinary provisions he deliberates to you from the Board of directors;

to the maintenance of the relationships with the ministerial organs of Government and the other authorities;

to the cure of the relationships with the political organizations, administrative, trade-union and associates;

to the nomination of the lawyers and the proxies lawyers for the protection of the interests of the Association conferring the special powers of attorney and generate them;

to the offices of the Association;

to the nomination of the Honorary president.

In case of its absence or impediment it is replaced from the older Councilman.



The management of the Association is controlled from a College of the Revisers composed of three effective members and two substitutes, elect every three years from the Assembly of the Associates. The College exercises the administrative control and book keeping of the Association, it writes up the relation to the annual budgets and assesses the case consistency.



For one more direct and effective realization of the social ends can be constituted regional and foreign sections.

Said regional and foreign sections they are instituted with provision of the Chief executive officer that, for proposal of i associates ivi residents, supplies to the nomination of a responsible delegate of the same section.

The Board of directors deliberates the sums annually to assign to ciascuna regional and foreign Section, necessary for the activity of the same Sections. The responsible delegates are held to the statement anniversary.



The issolution of the Association is deliberated from the Assembly, which supplies to the nomination of or more liquidators and will deliberate in order to the devoluzione of the patrimony.



All the eventual controversies between associate it to you and between these and the Association or its Organs will be subordinates, with every exclusion of other jurisdiction, to the three competence of Probiviri to name itself from the Assembly; they will judge former bono ET aequo without formality of procedures


For previewed how much in the present charter they are not worth the norms of the Civil code in matter.

Rome, 26/02/2000